Opening Hours

Coming to the dentist can  sometimes be an anxious experience, please inform us of anything that may worry you.


Opening Times

Monday - 08.00 - 13.00pm    14.00 - 17.30pm
Tuesday - 08.00 - 13.00pm    14.00 - 17.30pm
Wednesday - 08.00 - 13.00pm    14.00 - 17.30pm
Thursday - 08.00 - 13.00pm    14.00 - 17.30pm
Friday - 08.00 - 13.00
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed


Booking an appointment

Appointments can be made at the practice or by telephoning when we are open. Outside surgery hours, you can leave a message on our answering machine and we will contact you as soon as possible. Our receptionists are normally available from 8.00 to 5.30 Monday to Thursday and on Friday between 8.00am to 13.00pm.

Emergency Appointments

We always endeavour to leave time free during the day for emergencies. However, these times are allocated at different times on different days to allow flexibility within our appointment system. The emergency appointments are reserved for our registered patients. We endeavour to see you on the same day and to assist us do this, we ask that you call us before 10am for an appointment the same day. Please bear in mind that the most popular times for appointments are at the beginning and end of the day, and these are usually booked several weeks in advance.

Out of hours Emergencies

We endeavour to see any patient who may have a dental emergency during our normal opening hours. Should you have a dental emergency outside the normal practice hours, please telephone the Emergency Dental Service on 0845 701 0401 or NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or refer to their website (available 24 hours).


Your first appointment will be as follows


1) Providing detailed medical and dental history via a form at the reception

2) Examination of your face, jaw joint and neck (part of cancer screening) 

3) Dental examination: soft tissue examination(Oral cancer screening) Gums and teeth

4) Dental X-Rays if necessary


Cancellation policy

We require you to give us 24 hours notice for cancelling an appointment, in order that we can offer this appointment to other patients. 
Failed appointments, repeat cancellations, and short notice cancellations may result in you being deregistered form the practice.

Abuse of staff

We are here to help you, we operate a zero tolerance policy towards verbal or physical abuse of our staff.